TO JOIN AND BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Mile HI Veterans Organization
Be of good character
Need not be a veteran, but support all veterans issues
Be over 21 years old (except for Youth)
Participate at meetings
Assist in reaching our goals
Pay dues on a yearly basis (Jan 1 - Dec 31
New Non-Veterans: $55.00/ $40.00 Renewal: New Veterans $45.00/$30.00 Renewal
New Women members $55.00 / $40.00 Renewal: Youth $10.00 membership fees.
Potential members must have a Mile Hi Veterans member in good standing as a
Your sponsor will present your application to the general membership for approval at the monthly General
Membership Meeting. y, All approved new members will be sworn in. Please check the calendar for meeting times
Ask any committee member or the bartender for an application form. -